Monday, 13 February 2012

Valentine's Day

     Valentine's day is a holday all people from all around the world are celebrate it. It takes a place in 14th of february each years. The lovers celebrate in many different ways. Some of them send a love cards or flowers to the person who loves. Alomst all people waer red color because this is the heart color. In love careds they have picture of  heart or "Cupid" the symbol of love.
     I'm not pretty sure about this story,but I read in some websait in the Internet  about valentine's day. What is the Valentine's day story?. They saide there is a man live in Rome his name is Valentinus. His christian and he tray to make another man to be christian ;because of that the king decided to kill him.Before the king do that to Valentinus  they saide Valentinus recovering blind girl.In anthor story they saide he was a saint and he refused order the king Clodies  order it. The king order  is ((NO man in young age get married)).Because he was thinking the married men can not be good and successful in army. But Valentinus make the young people married in secret. When the king discovered what Valentionus do in secret. He decided to put him in jall and kill him . After all of this Valentious wrote the first love card to that girl who recovering her before he daed.

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